Book Reviews · Kindle Unlimited

Book Review: To Bleed a Crystal Bloom (Crystal Bloom, Book 1) by Sarah A. Parker

To Bleed a Crystal Bloom

Genre: Dark Fantasy/Romance/Reimagining/Retelling

Plot: “What a pretty flower to keep locked in a big, rocky tower.”

Nineteen years ago, I was plucked from the heart of a bloody massacre that spared nobody else.

Small. Fragile.

An enigma.

Now ward to a powerful High Master who knows too much and says too little, I lead a simple life, never straying from the confines of an imaginary line I’ve drawn around the castle grounds.

Stay within. Never leave.

Out there, the monsters lurk. Inside, I’m safe … though at a cost far greater than the blood I drip into a goblet daily.

Toxic, unreciprocated love for a man who’s utterly unavailable.

My savior. My protector.

My almost executioner.

I can’t help but be enamored with the arcane man who holds the power to pull my roots from the ground.

When voracious beasts spill across the land and threaten to fray the fabric of my tailored existence, the petals of reality will peel back to reveal an ugly truth. But in a castle puddled with secrets, none are greater than the one I’ve kept from myself.

No tower is tall enough to protect me from the horror that tore my life to shreds.



“Feed my hungry heart.”


All Orlaith has ever known is Castle Noir and the mysterious man that prowls its stone walls. She knows every inch of its grounds, at least those within her self-made safety line, and every bloom of flowers, sprouting of mushrooms and speck of foliage that litters its lands. She spends her days creating tonics and ointments from ingredients she forages, training with her instructor and chaperone Baze, and visiting her Ocean Drake friend Kai. But Orlaith refuses to cross her boundary she’s drawn around the castle, or to interact with the people that come and go. She is frightened of what lies beyond, because even in her sleep she can’t escape the creatures that shred apart her memories and feed on her fears. She just wants to be free of the terrors that consume her, and to be seen by the man who took her in as his ward. The man that is High Master to their territory and a mass of brutality and darkness.  

“Of course I’m sheltered, but I built the walls of my own prison.”


This book hurt my heart

Slowly cut my chest with a dull blade, and yanked my barely thumping organ out millimeter by agonizing millimeter. 

This s**t hurt

I have never encountered an author who encapsulates grief, sorrow and regret so beautifully in words. Sarah A. Parker has forged characters out of gravely dirt and compost, thrust cracked seeds into its barren soil, and bloomed people that make my throat ache with each choked and scraggly inhale. These people are horrendously flawed, broken and barely hanging onto their own sanity. They are woe incarnate, and I’ve become addicted to every one of them. 

“I hang my head and pretend the stars aren’t staring holes through my back.”


Orlaith is like a precious budding rose you hope survives a monsoon. She is so young. So sheltered and naive. She is 21 but she has a raw innocence that makes her still feel like a teenager, only one that doesn’t make your eyes roll to the back of your head. She’s moody, sassy, energetic, playful and endearing. She has such strong bonds with the few people she has let close to her, and those people would tear the world down to protect her. She is pure sunshine…or so we think. 


Orlaith has horrible nightmares that plague every ounce of sleep she acquires. And to combat it, the girl drowns herself in brews that knock her into oblivion at night and then doses herself in the morning with another concoction until she’s flying higher than the sun. 

“Her wide eyes are aglitter with thousands of facets, as if she’s staring out from a sky full of stars that hatched in her soul.”

But for years all Orlaith has really wanted is the attention and affection of the man whose home she resides in. The man who is barely ever around, and when he is, gives her nothing more than detached and cold orders. A man who Orlaith has grown to love and yearn for with every fiber of her being. 

“Right now, I’d give anything he asked. I’d give him my soul. The breath in my lungs. I’d lump my heart on a silver platter and let him drink straight from the source.”


And let me tell you, this is the slow-burn of all slow-burn romances. Never have I EVER had to go back to check that I was actually reading a romance. Never had I questioned if I had the right love interest so desperately in my life

Because this man is cruel to this girl. 

And I don’t mean cruel in a way that says he abuses her or belittles her. He doesn’t lock her in that big tower and he doesn’t tell her she can’t go places or move freely. I mean cruel in how he can clearly see and feel how much she desires him, and he dismisses her like she isn’t anything more than a wet leaf attached to his boot. 

She begs for his praise and his comfort, and he yields nothing. 

“Because I’m tired. So, so tired, and I’m not okay with this—with that female standing amongst my roses, luring smiles from a man usually as apathetic as a gravestone.”

Every time Orlaith gets even an inch closer to him, he allows her into the space and then throws her out the f**cking window. 

It’s gutting

“And then he’s gone, leaving me alone at the wall, crushed against it by his parting words. A terse reminder that I may be his, but he’ll never be mine.”

But Rhordyn and his flippant heart aside, Orlaith is who you will focus every part of your being on. She is fighting so hard to find out who she is and where she fits, and her chaotic grief and slightly suicidal tendencies tickle those dark places in every one of our hearts. She is the inner child in every one of us that we so desperately want to protect, but god is this girl in an ugly land of self-hatred and loathing for herself. 


And the worst part is how little we know about her past and the horrors that plague her. Because this book is filled with SECRETS upon SECRETS. Bottomless holes and cavernous twists and turns of webs that are only going to get worse as the series goes on (trust me, because I already devoured all three books). Every time you’re given an inch, Sarah A. Parker will yank you a mile back. 

“The hollow statement guts me, and when paired with those tombstone eyes … I’m six feet under, pushing daisies from my rotting corpse.”

Now I did say there were other characters that captured my heart, and there are. 


Dear, dear Baze. What a sweet, broken baby angel he is. Now in this book we really only see his saucy side that comes off as flippant, unbothered, easily amused and aloof. He has been a sort of protector and shadow to Orlaith since she arrived at Castle Noir as a child, and their bond has become very strong. They are incredibly close and they fight with each other like siblings, but we know they would do anything for one another. But Baze does answer to Rhordyn, as he is the High Master, which means that the same secrets Rhordyn hides from Orlaith, Baze must hide as well. 


What a dream Kai is, oh my god! He is an Ocean Drake who calls Orlaith Treasure (swoon) and who Orlaith is able to be completely free around. I wish we would have had more POVs from Kai, and gotten more about his past and his life. He is such a sweet and alluring character, I wanted more of him! I felt that things were left undone at the end of this first installment in terms of him and Orlaith, and it never really gets tied back up. 


So Cain pops into this tale much later in the book, but my oh my is he stealing the show. He is alluring, mysterious, unapologetic and I kind of like it. There is much more of him to come, and GIRL does it get wild, but I will say that I really liked Cain in this book and in book two. You can’t help but be a magnet to him, and that’s what makes this story and these romances even more confusing! 


Can I even get through this part without being annoyed? Ugh! This man infuriates me! And breaks my heart because of how dragged Orlaith is by him. But to say he’s not everything we dark girlies swoon for would be a lie, lie, lie. He is death, darkness, brutality, and anger incarnate. I love him. Even though I don’t understand him at all. And probably never will. 


I will never beg you guys to read a book as much as I am begging now.


It is beautiful, sorrowful, ugly and wretched in the best ways possible. There were times where I was definitely confused and definitely having to reread paragraphs, but it’s impossible not to with Sarah’s whimsical and ethereal writing. Not only is it beyond breathtaking, but she’s also made sure to leave her readers utterly confused and in the dark. Which is where I think she likes us all to be. The girl is a monster, and I even told her as much. 

But if this book will teach you anything…

…it’ll teach you to love the monsters


4.5 Stars



Binding of Bindings · Book Promo · Wrap-Up

Binding of Bindings #53: January 2024 Book Wrap-up

Hey kids.

Let’s see how January went, shall we?




:__..|.. January 2024 Book Wrap-up ..|..__:



1. A Court of Thorns and Roses (ACOTAR, Book 1) by Sarah J. Maas
Genre: Fantasy/Romance


This is either my fifth or sixth time reading up to ACOWAR.

I ALWAYS stop at ACOWAR, either because the next two hadn’t released, or because I really am not a novella person and everyone told me I need to read ACOFAS before I read ACOSF.


So began the ACOTAR reread.

As always, I love this book. I love the slight Beauty and the Beast elements, but I especially love our romance with Tamlin.

Feyre is put through countless struggles, and forced to prove herself and her love. It’s a pretty brutal first book in the series, especially when we know what happens later on.

But maybe it’s been because of my countless rereads that these aren’t as gut-wrenching for me now. It just doesn’t pack the same punch as it used to, and it almost makes me feel like Feyre is a tiny bit melodramatic.


5 Stars


2. A Court of Mist and Fury (ACOTAR, Book 2) by Sarah J. Maas
Genre: Fantasy/Romance


Do I really need to say much here?


The slow-burn, the flirting, the angst, the TEASING.

Can we really ask for more?

Plus – wingspans.


5 Stars


3. A Court of Wings and Ruin (ACOTAR, Book 3) by Sarah J. Maas
Genre: Fantasy/Romance



I have nothing else to say.

Thank you.

5 Stars


4. A Court of Frost and Starlight (ACOTAR, Book 4) by Sarah J. Maas
Genre: Fantasy/Romance


Lord, HELP me with this f**cking book.

What, pray tell, was the point of this?


THE most boring book of my existence goes to ACOFAS.

And I read mortuary business law, okay? That’s the definition of boring yourself to an early grave.

I understand she wanted a filler book to set up for the next, but come on. This was SILLY. And honestly (don’t shoot me guys) it made me slightly not like everyone. I really found Feyre unbearable in this. And what is happening with Nesta?? This behavior does not scream Nesta to me at all. That girl finds everything beneath her and you’re going to have her crumbling like this??


1 Star


5. A Court of Silver Flames (ACOTAR, Book 5) by Sarah J. Maas
Genre: Fantasy/Romance



What happened SJM?

Seriously. What happened?

Things have been weird lately, even with the CC series. I just don’t understand why the characters, plots and writing has suffered in the last few books but I see a big difference. And nothing against the smut world, but holy hell has she been TAKEN by the smut gods.

CHIIIILLLLLLLLLEEEEE – I am uncomfortable!

I’m just really upset with where Nesta’s character was taken. I feel like she has such a iron-will that she would never resort to getting with random men and being wasted 24/7. It just doesn’t feel true to her character. It would have been so much more refreshing to not have the same “trauma turned warrior badass” trope that Feyre had.

Because it 100% mirrored Feyre.

SJM even reused the training section where Cassian teaches her how to punch, and it’s exactly the same.

Girl, what are we doing?

3 Stars


6. Never-Contented Things by Sarah Porter
Genre: YA/Fantasy/Horror

Never Contented Things

Okay. NOW we’re cooking up some w-e-i-r-d and I like it.

This book is odd and makes me uncomfortable, but not in the way SJM makes me uncomfortable these days.

This book is DARK and it’s completely odd. The characters feel tainted by something evil, the world makes my skin crawl and it also packs a few really amazing messages.

It’s worth a read if you want to try something different, or if you like books that leave you feeling unsure.

(See my review here)

3 Stars


7. Gravemaidens (Book 1) by Kelly Coon
Genre: YA/Fantasy


A book I really wanted to like, but one that I had a lot of issues with.

Things just didn’t feel complete with this one, whether it was the plot, the world-building or the characters.

I expected more magical healing abilities and less Nancy Drew. Our MC felt very naive and really didn’t back up the author’s claims that she was one of the best healers. It just felt lackluster and the romance left me feeling annoyed rather than fluttery.

(See my review here)

2 Stars



8. Possession by Lauren Evers
Genre: YA/Fantasy/Romance


I’m going to need you guys to read this STAT.


This is the slow-burns of all slow-burns.

A slow burn SO SLOW, I don’t even know if it’s a romance! I’m just going off what the author has categorized it on Goodreads! This girl may be f**cking with us all!


It’s the story of how mages trap the God of Chaos in the body of a girl, and what happens three years later.

It’s honestly everything I want and need, and guess what?!

Book 2 doesn’t release until DECEMBER 2024.

(See my review here)

4.5 Stars



Stay weird.


Binding of Bindings · Book Promo

Binding of Bindings #51: My Top 10 Anticipated January 2024 Book Releases

Hey Kids.

Did you miss me?

Can you believe I was gone so long?!

I honestly can’t either.

But let’s skip the small talk and get the f**k on with it, shall we?



~* My Top 10 Anticipated January 2024 Book Releases *~



1. Sky’s End (Above the Black, Book 1) by Marc J Gregson
Release Date: January 2, 2024
Genre: Fantasy/YA/Sci-fi/Dystopian


Eragon meets Hunger Games?


Say less.

When sixteen-year-old Conrad’s mother is killed by monstrous gorgantauns, he makes a deal to protect his remaining sister from their Uncle who keeps her hostage. Conrad is forced into a deal where he must enter the Selection of the Twelve Trades, a gauntlet of hunters who kill giant sky serpents called gorgantauns.


2. Somewhere in the Deep by Tanvi Berwah
Release Date: January 9, 2024
Genre: YA/Fantasy


Finding herself in crippling debt after her parents made a horrible choice that cost their lives, Krescent Dune (KILLER name, right?) is forced to scrounge up money in underground fighting pits against monstrous creatures.

But when a fight goes wrong, she is offered a deal: to act as a bodyguard for a hunting party on a rescue mission underground. But Krescent has to be careful with those around her, because if they find out her identity and those of her parents, it could cost her her life.


3. The Ladies Rewrite the Rules by Suzanne Allain
Release Date: January 9, 2024
Genre: Romance/Historical Fiction


A Jane Austen twist on gender roles in England’s high society.


A man publishes The Bachelor’s Directory, a way for the younger sons of families to still marry though they have no financial standing. The directory provides a list of eligible women of substantial wealth who may be in search of a husband.

When Diana Byole finds herself on the list, she is furious. She rallies the other women listed and demands they take action against the publisher. But the women begin to discover that the publication may be to their benefit, as they are now in control of courtship.


4. Where You End by Abbott Kahler
Release Date: January 16, 2024
Genre: Adult/Thriller/Mystery/Horror


Did somebody say…CULT??


22-year old twin twin sisters Kat and Jude grew up in a New Age cult where they learned countless games of savagery and manipulation. But when Kat awakens from a coma, with only the memory of her twin sister and nothing else, she relies heavily on Jude to teach her about their life.

But Kat starts to think that maybe Jude isn’t telling her the truth. With only each other to lean on, the girls find a way to escape and Kat struggles to latch on to what reality is true.



5. Faebound (Faebound, Book 1) by Saara El-Arifi
Release Date: January 18, 2024
Genre: Fantasy/Adult/Romance/LGBT


Another day another fae book.

It’s like those years of vampires all over again!


Yeeran, an Elven warrior, has found herself exiled from their Elven lands and thrust into a wilderness of unknown creatures. With her sister in tow, they happen upon the Fae they thought when extinct ages ago.

To get back to their lands, the girls must navigate the intricacies of the Fae court and the mysterious creatures within.



6. The Clinic by Cate Quinn
Release Date: January 23, 2024
Genre: Adult/Mystery/Thriller


When Meg is notified that her famous sister has died at a rehab facility, with suspicions that it was suicide, she decides to travel to the institution that was housing her. With addiction issues of her own, Meg struggles to find out if her sister really did take her own life or if one of the affluent facility goers had something to do with it.



7. Womb City by Tlotlo Tsamaase
Release Date: January 23, 2024
Genre: Adult/Sci-fi/Dystopian/Fantasy


A sick cover with an even sicker premise.

I even tried to get my bony little fingers on an ARC of this, and was wholly denied.


Set in a dystopian and deadly future Botswana, Nelah is at the top of the food chain.

She is wealthy, famous married and pregnant. But she is also micro-chipped and controlled by her husband. But when she is involved in an accident, she is forced to kill the victim or be sentenced harshly by a society where men are above women. But then the ghost of her victim begins to terrorize Nelah and her perfect life.

It’s like The Handmaids Tale meets Cyberpunk Altered Carbon.



8. No One Can Know by Kate Alice Marshall
Release Date: January 23, 2024
Genre: Adult/Thriller/Mystery


Take me back to Hill House.

Emma and her husband are struggling to make ends meet. They are in debt, her husband has just been laid off and to make matters worse, she’s pregnant.

Desperate and unsure how to dig themselves out, Emma admits to her husband that she has a family home she jointly owns with her sisters she doesn’t speak to. A place she never talks about, and a past she wishes she could forget.

With nowhere else to go, Emma and her husband decide to move to the house where a horrible tragedy happened. Emma’s parents were killed, and some say Emma is the one that did it.



9. The Invocations by Krystal Sutherland
Release Date: January 30, 2024
Genre: YA/Paranormal/Fantasy/Horror


A tale of the occult and three girls with BIG problems.

Zara’s sister was murdered by a serial killer and she wants to bring her back from the dead.

Jude was cursed by a demon after a deal went wrong.

But then they find Emer, who is able to fix both of their situations. Emer is the daughter of a witch and spends her time selling spells to women with no other way out. But even Emer has a darkness following her, and a past of deaths following her.



10. House of Flame and Shadow (Crescent City, Book 3) by Sarah J. Maas
Release Date: January 30, 2024
Genre: YA/Urban Fantasy/Romance


Okay. Let’s be honest here for a moment.

When House of Earth and Blood released, I devoured it. But I was very hesitant because this series is an urban fantasy series, which I am not a fan of at all. I like my fantasy and real world kept separate and very VERY far from one another.

But what Sarah J Maas writes, we read.

So I devoured book 1, but still haven’t been able to even read House of Sky and Breath. And the ONLY reason I am going to barrel through a reread, is so I can get to Flame and Shadow and demand to see Aidas because if he isn’t there…


Anyways, that’s my story.

Thank you.


Stay Witchy






Book Promo · Book Reviews · Reviews

Book Review: The Serpent & The Wings of Night (The Nightborn Duet, Book 1) by Carissa Broadbent


*No Spoilers*

Genre: Adult Fantasy/Romance

Plot: Human or vampire, the rules of survival are the same: never trust, never yield, and always – always – guard your heart.

The adopted human daughter of the Nightborn vampire king, Oraya carved her place in a world designed to kill her. Her only chance to become something more than prey is entering the Kejari: a legendary tournament held by the goddess of death herself.

But winning won’t be easy amongst the most vicious warriors from all three vampire houses. To survive, Oraya is forced to make an alliance with a mysterious rival.

Everything about Raihn is dangerous. He is a ruthless vampire, an efficient killer, an enemy to her father’s crown… and her greatest competition. Yet, what terrifies Oraya most of all is that she finds herself oddly drawn to him.

But there’s no room for compassion in the Kejari. War for the House of Night brews, shattering everything that Oraya thought she knew about her home. And Raihn may understand her more than anyone – but their blossoming attraction could be her downfall, in a kingdom where nothing is more deadly than love.


“She was a lone flutter of life in an endless expanse of decay,

the only living mortal for a hundred miles.”


“Don’t Look away, Little Serpent.”

Oraya lives in a world where she can never let her guard down. As the adopted human daughter of  a vampire King, and constant prey in the vampire world, Oraya has always been taught to show her teeth and to wield her body as a weapon. The training instilled in her from childhood was a way for her father to keep her safe, and a means to prepare her for her future as a contestant in the Kejari. A ruthless tournament held once every hundred years, vampires from every corner of Obitraes offer their blood and bodies in order to fight to the death, in honor of their Goddess Nyaxia and the opportunity to be gifted a blessing by the dark Goddess herself. For Oraya, her wish is simple, to become a powerful vampire and to fight alongside her father, Victor. But in the vampire world, nothing is as it seems. Lies are traded like blood soaked smiles and even love comes last next to power. But when Oraya comes across a Rishan vampire in her trials, everything she has been taught is put to the test. The most important being that love and trust almost certainly leads to death.

“And love, understand, is sharper than any stake.”

Can I just say…


I haven’t written a book review in about three years, and part of my problem is that I have fallen out of love with YA. And though I have grown to love the gore with age, my love for fantasy trumps everything. But I have had a horrible time finding adult fantasy books that aren’t riddled with trash writing and overly aggressive smut. Listen, I love some heavy adult romance just like the next swoon-er of debauchery, but must the writing be compromised in lieu of sexual book intercourse?!

I think not.

So thank the dark mother I found author Carissa Broadbent!

What. A. BEAUTIFUL. Writer!

“Death isn’t frightening when weighed against an insignificant existence.”

I love to smother a review with quotes and snippets of the authors creativity, and this review is no exception. And it was honestly so easy to do so, because Carissa’s writing is stunning. Her quotes are seriously to die for! She captures the darkness of the world and its inhabitants in a gritty and depraved way. Her characters are not cookie-cutter sparkly vampires, and her human female protagonist doesn’t lack brains. These people are ruthless, cunning, unapologetic, expressive and imposing figures.

“I pulled him close, caressed his face with my red-stained hands, and made sure ******’s blood marked him as I let him slump down in a puddle of his own cowardice.”

Speaking of badass characters, Oraya is everything  I want in a female lead.

SerpentNight - 1

Though she is human and obviously at a huge disadvantage being surrounded by vampires, this girl is no joke. She is tough as nails and makes you question why you have the inability to shove a dagger into someone’s chest with such ease.

(I’m kidding, that’s illegal)

“Vampires were stronger than me in every way – their bodies more muscular, movements swifter, teeth sharper.

But their hearts were just as soft.”


“You have to push hard to make it through the breastbone.”

This girl has mad skills and is able to compete with about 50 other vampires who have had hundreds of years to perfect their brutality. She is smart, observant, calculating and acutely aware that she can become a meal at any given moment if she even slightly f**ks up. And it isn’t only vampires Oraya needs to watch out for. There are 5 trials total that make up the Kejari, and it isn’t only contestants that one must fight against.

“I dreamed of goddesses and trials and sharpened teeth, and exactly how Nightborn steel might feel sliding deep into my back.”

Think of it as a Hunger Games for vampires.

SerpentNight - 2

“You may defend yourself against aggressors…However, the Goddess appreciates the gift of blood within her trials.”

The only difference being that all of these vamps offer themselves up as tribute. But in each trial, there are demonic creatures, poisoned and rabid animals and spells set up to kill you at every corner. One must be aware of their competitors, as well as what lurks in the shadows.

But fairly quickly into the competition, Oraya is forced to form an alliance with her enemies. It is well known that the third trial should be completed with the help of teammates, so small groups are formed throughout fairly early on. After unforseen events, Oraya finds herself stuck with a Rishan vampire named Raihn and his odd and overly perky friend, Mische. To say that these two vampires are different from the rest would be an understatement, especially Mische, who acts more human than than undead.

“There’s no bonding like bonding over murder…”

And one of my favorite things about this book was how many times I literally laughed out loud.

Because Carissa is witty!

“I adjusted my hold around the child and mumbled something that somewhat resembled an apology, and Raihn told me to go fuck myself.”

There’s something about a group of characters who don’t mean to be hilarious that makes my evil all giddy inside. Mische is so sweet and sincere, so when she does something incredibly psychotic I can’t help but smile the cruelest smile I’ve ever worn. Raihn has the potential to be like every other tall, dark and handsome winged friend that now graces the oily pages of every fantasy world these days…and don’t get me wrong, he IS. But he’s far less broody, cranky and arrogant compared to every other male lead just like him. He feels far more human and realistic, and I really need to thank the author for making him that way. There’s something so much more profound when a fantasy character feels like he could be a real person.

I also adore how she made Oraya such a grounded person that has witt and emotions, but she doesn’t let those traits overshadow her character. I am so tired of the overly hard female leads who can’t stop being sassy with constant snarky remarks, but I also find myself so sick of the helpless human girls who don’t seem to have a sliver of brain in their pretty little heads. Oraya is the perfect amount of feminine and masculine, has a sweet nativity about her even though she is highly trained in how to protect herself, and even gets her ass kicked on more than one occasion. Carissa Broadbent did an amazing job of showing just how human she is.

But let’s get to the good s**t, shall we?

SerpentNight - 3

Swoonage? Immaculate.

Smut? Tasteful.

Believability? Undeniable.

“Because suddenly, I understood what it was like to be hungry.”

Ladies and gents, this romance is to die for.

It’s everything you could ever want.

An enemies to lovers, infectious slow-burn that will leave you in a frenzy to get to the last page, but satiated as you’re eyeballs are dribbled in gore and violence.

“I could open his shirt, slide my hands over the expanse of his chest, and thrust my poison blade right here – right into his heart. He could tear away this ridiculous delicate spiderweb of a dress and cut me open.

The two of us could burn each other up.”

I don’t want to say too much to give away what happens, but please trust me when I express how beautiful, dark, treacherous and hopeful it is. I couldn’t help the endless *sighs* and swoons that fluttered in my head and heart, and I think I may be dying slightly as I wait for the release of book 2.

“I could have wept for it.”

Because along with this romance, you get glimpses of the past that aren’t revealed towards the end, and DAMN if they are not DEVASTATING.

“Bloodlust, understand, is a terrible thing.”

Like stab my heart, devastating

“The blood that spilled over that marble floor, though…

Those are the stains on one’s innocence that never fade.”

Speaking of devastating…the BLINDSIDES! Carissa, how could you do that to me?! My hope! My trust! My NAIVETY!!!! AHHHHH!!!!! I read this book for a buddy read, so it is marked to all hell with highlights, notes and blue tabs…and I cannot even express the color vomit that has been seeped into the last portion of this book. I felt all the emotions at the end, and it has been expressed on these pages with fierce underlines and curse words galore. 

I am anger. I am sadness.

I am Carissa’s deep betrayal. 

Well played, Carissa. Well played. 

Looming cliff-hanger aside, get the book.

It’s a consuming, action-packed tale set in a world of insane creatures that barely even care for the people they love. It’s emotional, raw, exciting, debilitating and exhilarating. It got me out of my three year reading slump, and now all I want is more. You won’t regret this beautiful read, trust me.

“Not tonight.”

5 Stars



Binding of Bindings · Book Wrap-up

Binding of Bindings #49: July 2020 Book Wrap-up

I’m not going to lie…
the reading game has been tough AF lately.
It’s been month after month of no desire to read, less than thrilling books when I do read, and the relentless drooping of my eyelids when skimming lines.
But finally, it’s as if something has pulled me from the depths of my cookie over-eating, refusals to workout, and dark hole of The End of the F***ing World reruns, and has chosen to give me a gift
A new lease on life and a love for books about murder, stalkings and cannibalism.



~* July 2020 Book Wrap-Up *~



I know we’re halfway into August.

Just let it happen.


1. Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust
Genre: YA/Fantasy/Retelling/LGBT

Girl Serpent

Okay so this one obviously isn’t about cannibalism or stalking, but you’ll notice that as this list goes on, it starts to take a dramatic shift from YA Fantasy to literal cannibalism.

What can I say?

The heart wants what the heart wants.

Girl, Serpent, Thorn was pretty mehhhhhh. It’s a mix retelling of Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty and some other fairytale called Rappaccini’s Daughter. It’s about a Princess who is cursed with the touch of poison, and is forced into solitude so that the royals can keep her secret hidden…and so she doesn’t, you know…

kill someone with a poke.

What I had hoped would be an epic tale of sorrow and isolation of a Princess, and a slow-burn love interest where they both know they can’t have one another…was more like eye-rolling insta-love and too many instances where they could get around touching each other.

Meh. Not my jam.

3 Stars

(See my review here)


2. Accidental by Alex Richards
Genre: YA/Contemporary


“𝑩𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒕𝒘𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖’𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒏 𝒂 𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒆 𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏.”

Ugh. This book.

Accidental is a tear-inducer and makes your teenage self want to crawl under your blankies and wail like a wounded antelope.

It’s the story of a teenage girl who has been living with her grandparents since she was a young girl, when her mother was killed in a car accident and her father bailed. But the reemergence of her father brings secrets to the surface, and this one being that Johanna’s mother didn’t actually die in a car accident.

She was killed by a gunshot wound, and Johanna was the one that pulled the trigger.

It’s about how Johanna comes to terms with something she did as a very young child. An event that she doesn’t remember, but one that changes her life forever. She is thrust into guilt for killing her mother, for taking away the only daughter her grandparents had, and for being the reason that they had to take her in.

This character goes through some serious pits of self-loathing…and damn if I wasn’t living for every second of it.

Obviously gun control is the big theme here, but don’t worry. BOTH sides of this debate are represented.

4.5 Stars

(See my review here)


3. Seasons of the Storm (Book 1) by Elle Cosimano
Genre: YA/Fantasy

Seasons of the Storm

I read this in early July and I still haven’t reviewed it.

Does that tell you anything?

The plot for this book is SICK, which is the whole reason I requested it.

Seasons of the Storm is about seasons being embodied by people, and each time it becomes a new season, the coming season has to KILL the current season in order for their time to start.

Summer kills Spring.

Autumn kills Summer.

Winter kills Autumn.

Spring kills Winter.

Unfortunately, it just wasn’t WOW at all.

It’s a story that has multiple characters that the reader has a chance to connect with and become invested in, but instead of their stories and personalities shining through, all we really get is that annoying trope of every pair coupling off.

The main plot is these “seasons” wanting to escape and live a life outside of this world they were brought into. Where there are constantly killing or being killed.

But their escape is rushed, and everything after their escape from the facility was soooooo BORING.

It was like a bad Maze Runner.

2.5 Stars


4. The Summer I Drowned by Taylor Hale
Genre: YA/Mystery/Thriller

The Summer I Drowned

Another book from early July that I have yet to review.

I haven’t decided on a rating for this book yet, and probably won’t until my review. But I will say this…

The Summer I Drowned was a bit forgettable, but still pretty attention grabbing.

It’s not a bad book by any means though!

It’s about a girl who comes back to her hometown after being away for five years. When she was a kid, she fell off a cliff’s edge and into the ocean where she almost drowned. Once a huge swimmer and lover of the water, now Olivia has a deep fear of going anywhere near it.

After countless years of therapy, she decides that going back to her hometown for the Summer (where it all happened) would be great for her healing process.

But when she arrives back, expecting her old friendships to be exactly the same, she realizes that she isn’t the only one who has changed.

The conclusion is actually quite creative and interesting, and definitely unexpected. It makes you question what you read and the main character, which is really all we want in a mystery/thriller isn’t it? But when it comes to that romance? UGH.

Gag me.


5. The Shuddering by Ania Ahlborn
Genre: Adult/Horror/Thriller

The Shuddering

A Blizzard and cabin in the woods?


Group of adults focused entirely too much on themselves?


Wendigo-like creatures spraying red across the serene snowy landscape, butchering human bodies and expertly planning how they will get their prey?


The Shuddering is basically a fucked-up version of Until Dawn, but in book form and without Rami Malek.

*sad face*

It was the first pick in my newest book club:

If You Like Cannibalism.

Cute, right?

Five adults go out to a cabin as a last get-together before one of them moves to another country. But while there, in the dead of winter, they all start to get picked off.

One by one.

Your typical horror, right?

How one of these characters gets killed is sooooo beyond fucked. Beyond twisted, BEYOND DEMENTED…but oh so good.

5 Stars


6. I Killed Zoe Spanos by Kit Frick
Genre: YA/Mystery/Thriller

I killed zoe spanos

I Killed Zoe Spanos was another great YA mystery/thriller that I can add to my list of books that were just done right.

The story centers on the disappearance of a girl named Zoe Spanos, who vanished on New Year’s Eve from the Hamptons without a trace. The following summer, a girl named Anna Cicconi arrives in the Hamptons for a job as a nanny, and as a way to take a break from the partying she was doing in Brooklyn.

But when Anna arrives and begins to learn about the disappearance of this girl Zoe, she also learns how eerily similar the too look. It’s not long before Anna obsessively begins finding out more on this missing girl, and eventually…

…she ends up confessing to murdering her.

The story flips back between the summer when Anna arrives, and to a few months after her confession. But a local refuses to believe Anna is responsible for Zoe’s death, so she takes it upon her self to find answers.

Seriously, what a trip.

I had suspicions about where this would go, and some were correct. But where it actually ended up? I didn’t foresee that. And to be honest, I was a bit disappointed with the ending because it felt a little too forced and unbelievable, and I wanted things between certain characters to be tied up.

But overall, a solid mystery.

4 Stars

(See my review here)


7. Our Kind of Cruelty by Araminta Hall
Genre: Adult/Thriller/Mystery

Our Kind of Cruelty


On to the good shit


July’s pick for the Psycho Sloth Book Club was Our Kind of Cruelty, and I seem to be one of the only people in the group who actually liked it.

If you don’t know about the Psycho Sloths – we all fell in love with Joe Goldberg from YOU and his stalkery yet totally justifiable means of murdering people who just aren’t good influences on the women he loves.

We love his passion. His dedication. His heart and soul!

And especially that Penn Badgley plays him in the show.

He’s a lover, not a killer.

Anyways, now the book club has turned into a stalker extravaganza!

Enter: Mike Hayes.

Mike is a sexy man with a great bod, a successful job and an unflinching loyalty and love for his girlfriend Verity. He works long hours to provide for her, built their dream home and keeps it the way she likes and always thinks of her first.

The only problem is that Verity is engaged to someone else.

Woe is Mike.

But the reason Mike continues to pursue Verity is because he thinks they are still playing Crave – a game they made up when they were dating where Verity would enter a club alone, and when a guy came up to hit on her, Mike would intervene and then they’d get all hot and heavy.

This isn’t just a tale of loving from afar though. This shit gets WILD.

Even now, I am so unsure of what the truth is. Is Mike crazy? Or is Verity just a bitch? I DON’T KNOW! But I will say this…

…I’m just trying to find my Crave partner.

4 Stars


8. Brother by Ania Ahlborn
Genre: Adult/Horror/Thriller



Literally, the best for last.

This book means EVERYTHING to me, okay?


It was the SECOND book in one month for the If You Like Cannibalism Book Club, and lemme tell you hooooney

So. Much. Cannibalism.

I feel complete. Almost whole.

As if I have been waiting my entire life for this fucked up, brutal and demented way of thinking that flows through Ania Ahlborn’s beautiful head.

She is the horror goddess.

Brother is about a sweet family of cannibals who live in the outskirts of Appalachia, some time in the 70’s. They lure cute, young strawberry blondes onto their property where they torture and kill them, and then eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

But this story is SO much more than that. It follows main character Michael Morrow, who has never wanted to hurt people the way his mother and brother Reb seem to. He doesn’t get enjoyment out of his tasks of chasing the girls down when they escape, or chopping up their bodies. But when you’re a Morrow, it’s kill or be killed.

Any author who can make me love a character who is mentally unhinged and/or does horrible things has all of my respect. Ania Ahlborn is 100%, without a doubt, my new favorite author. She thrusts so much humanity and unrelenting hopelessness into her stories, and has made my skin crawl while putting the hugest smile on my face.

Read this, and everything else she writes.

5 Stars



Stay Witchy

