Book Reviews

Book Review: How I’ll Kill You by Ren DeStefano

Edited with Afterlight Photo

Genre: Romance/Thriller/Mystery

Plot: Your next stay-up-all-night thriller, about identical triplets who have a nasty habit of killing their boyfriends, and what happens when the youngest commits their worst crime falling in love with her mark.

Make him want you.
Make him love you.
Make him dead.

Sissy has an…interesting family. Always the careful one, always the cautious one, she has handled the cleanup while her serial killer sisters have carved a path of carnage across the U.S. Now, as they arrive in the Arizona heat, Sissy must step up and embrace the family pastime of making a man fall in love and then murdering him. Her first target? A young widower named Edison—and their mutual attraction is instant. While their relationship progresses, and most couples would be thinking about picking out china patterns and moving in together, Sissy’s family is reminding her to think about picking out a burial site and moving on.

Then something happens that Sissy never She begins to feel protective of Edison, and before she can help it, she’s fallen in love. But the clock is ticking, and her sisters are growing restless. It becomes clear that the grave site she chooses will hide a body no matter what happens; but if she betrays her family, will it be hers?


“Still, I think about cutting him open. Finding the chambers of his heart. Observing his stomach and whatever contents are left there.

The parts of himself so deep that even he has never seen them.”

Never have I ever encountered a story so completely romantic, yet so deeply fucked

Dear Ren DeStefano,

I’ll do your bidding. Whatever you want.


“He doesn’t see me because he isn’t supposed to. Not yet. I am just a tiny little planet in a black, black galaxy, surrounded by debris and dead stars. But I see him, and that’s all that matters.”

How Ill Kill You 1

Sissy and her sisters have been fighting to get back to each other since the day their mother abandoned them in a stroller at a truck stop. Ripped apart and thrust into brutal, unforgiving and unpredictable foster families, all the girls had ever wanted was to be back with one another. And since they turned 18, they have been. But when Iris kills a man she’d fallen in love with, the girls found a new sort of life for themselves. One where they loved across the United States, murdering as they went. But now Moody and Iris say that it’s Sissy’s turn to fall in love. Her turn to romanticize a man into death. Because Sissy has always been the one to clean up the messes, not create the mess. And when Sissy finds her target, she knows without a doubt he’s the one. Edison. He is who she will fall in love with for the very first time, and he will be her first kill. But as Sissy dives into her new identity as Jade, who says all the right things and is a picture of perfection, she can’t help but fall hard for Edison. But she can’t tell her sisters the truth…that she’s having second thoughts about killing him. Because one thing they’ve always said is that love will kill you and the only love they need is from each other. 

“I can clean a man’s blood from the tiles. I can ease the plastic bag from his lifeless face and soak it to remove the DNA and then use it the next morning to hold my flowers at the farmer’s market. I can cut off his limbs while I’m fully naked so that I won’t have to do the laundry, and bury all the pieces. But figuring out what to say to a man you’re trying to seduce is its own brand of frustrating.”

One of the first thoughts I had while reading this story was that this book is basically the women’s bible for killing your lover

We learn to seduce, we learn to entice. We learn to launder your clothes at least three times, to not use too much bleach on the floor and to always pull out a man’s teeth, smash them with a hammer and flush the powdered remnants down the toilet. 


“I’m the one who cleans the messes, Dara. Because the ones who make them always find me.”

But all the pro tips aside…let me tell you how floored I was by this book. 

I am in bliss

I am in awe.

Pure obsession


“‘What are you thinking?’

How beautiful the need in your eyes would be if I wrapped my hands around your throat. The silent, desperate, begging.”

This is probably the most beautiful dark romance I have ever read. THIS is the type of dark romance I’ve been craving. Not pages of smut that make me feel deeply unsafe and question what is going on with the women in the world and their book choices (she says as she romanticizes murder). The dark romance in this book is borderline obsessive, all-consuming and hungry. But it’s also so innocent, gentle, pure and realistic. These characters feel REAL. They are flawed, human and regular. They are not special. They are not unique. They’re just people. 

“I want to be following my target right now, watching his silhouette through the blinds as he moves around his bedroom. I want to be imagining how he smells and what it will be like to touch him, and whether to bury him in one piece.”

The book is about Sissy’s first kill – she is to find a target, make him fall in love with her and then kill him after a few months. The girls must make friends, create alibis and plan the perfect murder so that they may move on to the next state and their next target. Sissy has always been the one to clean up the job after one of her sister’s makes a kill. She scrubs the scene, launders the clothes, chops the body and disposes of it. So naturally, her sisters think it’s time she starts pulling her weight. 

“If childhood in foster care taught me to be observant and moody to be assertive, it taught iris to be invisible.”

Edwin is a fantastic man who has experienced immense loss and addiction. He has moments of anger and weakness, but as men go, he’s a really wonderful guy and very normal. Edison knows Sissy as Jade, her cover name, and she comes across so sweet, pure, innocent and forgiving. They naturally fall for each other and create a bond quickly, because of how effortlessly content they are with one another. 

How Ill Kill You 3

The crazy part is how calculated everything is that Sissy/Jade says and does. 

I mean shit, this girl knows how to seduce a man. 

“When he cries out, I cover his mouth with my hand, not to stifle his sounds, but to catch them, so that I might carry them inside me, and keep them when he’s gone.”

Sissy/Jade is the epitome of cool, calm and collected. She sees 10 steps ahead of everyone, knows how to school her emotions and features, and always plays the correct move. She creates Jade to be a church-goer who is in town to settle a family member’s affairs after a death. She plays the guitar and sings, and gives off the typical “girl next door” appearance. And even though she has this robotic nature around murder and what her and her sisters are doing, she’s so likable. I love her character to pieces. She is warm, loving, and normal…mostly. 

“At least help me decide where to scatter her ashes, you selfish bitch.”

How Ill Kill You 2

And though this is a romance between Sissy and her target, the other huge theme is love for family and the things you will do to protect one another. Because the relationship between the girls, though deeply beautiful, it’s also toxic. And yes, that may be a no-brainer when you think about what they help each other do. But really, the dedication and ferocity these girls have to protect and love one another is enviable. They will burn the world for each other. 

“Moody and Iris are a religion, a sanctuary from the storm.”


And though I like Moody, Iris and Sissy/Jade, you couldn’t help but feel slightly anxious and suspicious of them. They all possess a rage or a quiet calm that feels too calculated to be unpredictable, which made me on edge the entire time that something horrible was going to happen. 

Don’t get me wrong – fucked up things happen in this book. Things that made me hurt. Loss, death, heartbreak, unfair choices and situations. The ending is gutting, but there is so much character development that happens so you aren’t left wanting.

“I dream that it crumbles into dust and dissolves inside my womb.”

And if you couldn’t tell from the millions of quotes, this book is stuffed with breathtaking sentences and thoughts from Sissy/Jade. 

It’s enough to make a grown woman crumble!

“I wanted to climb inside her brain and sit beside her, because I loved her, and I didn’t want her to be trapped in that dark place by herself.”

This has become my new favorite bookhands down. No questions asked. I loved every second of it and even stopped reading it for a few weeks because I was depressed about finishing it. It’s THAT good. So good in fact, I posted a few quotes on bookstagram and my friend immediately bought the book and finished with me as a buddy read. 

“Always say your dad is on the way, even if you’ve never met your dad.”

Now begs the question…wtf do I do until Ren DeStefano blesses us with another book?! Your guess is as good as mine, but let me tell you, my near future looks bleak without her dark romantic words filling up my little black soul.

“Never forget the strength it took to do this.”

5 Stars



Book Promo · Book Reviews

Book Review: Possession (Aris Duology, Book 1) by Lauren Evers


Genre: Fiction/YA/Fantasy/Romance


No one knows what Aris really is. He came to this world three years ago and was stopped just before he managed to destroy it. But he wasn’t exactly stopped, more like locked away. Inside of a person.Mary was a regular girl before she became the host of a homicidal entity. Though powerless and nothing more than a voice in the back of her head, his presence changed everything for her. Now imprisoned and shunned, she’s learned to cohabitate and converses with Aris to stay sane. They read books, watch movies, and she listens to his plans for world domination. Maybe they’ve even become something like… friends? As the years pass, she’s come to accept that this is all her life will ever be. Until, one day, the amulet keeping Aris inside of Mary begins to malfunction.With the threat of his escape imminent, faced with the possibility of having a real life again, Mary starts to fight for freedom… forgetting all the while that Aris might have become a little too attached during their time together.With cults, magic, and gods, Possession tells the story of a girl desperate for her own life, and a god, more interested in keeping her trapped in his own.


The Dark says to me, “Let’s rule the world.” 

“Rule the world?” I scoff. “How ridiculous.” 

It pauses. Considers this. 

“Of course,” it says. “We should end it instead.”


It has been three years since the God of Chaos was trapped inside the body of a mortal girl. Together they have lived imprisoned in the isolation of each other, watched day and night by guards with magic at their disposal. Mary, a young woman whose life has been shattered before it even began, and Aris, a being whose yearn to kill and decimate the world, smolders in the recesses of her body. Mary fears the dark being who lives inside her, but she knows he can’t hurt her without killing himself. She is safe as long as he is kept within her. But when the two are taken from their small prison, Mary is forced to come to terms with the danger this God is to her life and the humans around her. Because even if they could separate Aris from her body, he might not ever truly let her go free. 


“Sweet Mary,” says Aris, “I ate God.”

Holy devouring of books – this story had me HOOKED! I positively necked this story in a day and a half and my lack of sleep and drooping eyes couldn’t be more proud of my choices. And despite that major cliffhanger, or that horrid slow-burn that’s left me both thirsty and parched, I couldn’t be happier with how annoyed I felt after finishing it.

But I’ll be honest with you guys – there are tropes that will make you love this and hate this.

-A slow-burn bordering non-existent romance

-A naive/doe-in-headlights MC

-A possessive male

-A love triangle? Or is it a love Y?

-A cult

-A cliffhanger that’s enough to make you bring a toaster into a bathtub

-A release date of 1 year for book two, that’s enough to make you buy two toasters


Live. Laugh. Toasterbath

I absolutely loved the inner-dialogue between Mary and Aris. He’s a bit of a prick to her, but there’s a softness to his insults that almost feels affectionate. And though this is listed as a romance, it doesn’t always feel like one. At all. Even now, I have hopes of where this story will go…but I’m also doubtful that it will turn into a love story. Every time there is a feeling or thought that is shared that makes you giddy, it’s ripped out from under you and you’re given a swift slap across the face that things will not go the way you want. 

Aris is a being of destruction and chaos, so he doesn’t feel things like humans do. He and Mary constantly remind the reader of this fact, and yet…here we all are

Drooling and begging like little love fiends for a declaration of undying adoration

And what makes it more confusing, is how Aris treats Mary. He isn’t hateful and he doesn’t despise her. But he most certainly views her as his possession. Something that belongs to him and him alone. He tells her that she will die, but it will be on his terms because she is his.

“The statement is fact. The sky is blue, the grass is green, and I belong to Aris.”

“There is no end to what I will do to keep you.”


Infuriating, yes.

But damn. We like it. 

And along with this confusing maze of emotions, our little Mary is lusting after a guard. And thus begins our love triangle that looks more like a line or a maybe a Y figure? Honestly, I don’t know what the shape is but I do know I hate it…sort of. 


“It was the first time that I lost something.” 

I stay quiet, listening. 

“I don’t like losing things.”

Mary’s character is also an interesting one for me, because I don’t normally like these naive, immature, doe-eyed damsels who are afraid of everything. But Mary is extremely likable. I think her youth is portrayed beautifully and the author excels at showing how little life experience she gains before Aris enters her life. She can’t fight, she’s too trusting while also suspicious and skittish, and she reacts at the whims of her emotions. And yet, I adore her

Aris is an enigma, and I can’t get enough of him. He’s cruel, bloodthirsty, calculated, stoic, possessive, frustrating, manipulative and sneaky. But I don’t know if I’d categorize him as being abusive to Mary. He may tell her she’s a dumb human, but wouldn’t everyone look stupid around this creature? Yes. The answer is yes. I have respect for Aris, even though I can’t figure out his motive or his plans. He is completely shrouded in mystery and question marks. 

“…the sharpness of his edges, the promise of shadow and the everlasting potential of his strength arouses me in a way which embarrasses me just the same.”

This book was over way too quickly and I’m seriously debating reading again right now, just so I can pick it apart and look for clues. There’s a nice base for the s**tstorm I’m expecting in book two, and I’m hooked enough that I’m over here stewing that I have to wait until December 2024 to know what happens next. But like every author before Lauren Evers that has pissed me off with a cliffhanger, I can’t help but commend her for evoking this pleasant tingling of rage in my bones.

Well played, Lauren. 

4.5 Stars


Binding of Bindings · Book Promo

Binding of Bindings #52: January 2024 Book Purchases


You know what’s impressive?

Buying more books when you already have dozens upon dozens of books staring at you longingly from your bookshelves.

Hell-o, bookish toxicity.




:__..|.. January 2024 Book Purchases ..|..__:



1. Sunny by Colin O’Sullivan
Genre: Science Fiction

Outlet: Barnes & Noble – BOGO 50% off Table


Set in future Japan, a woman names Susie is in the throes of grief after losing her husband and son in a tragic accident. Alone in her home and drowning her sorrows in alcohol, Susie takes her anger and frustrations out on the home robot her husband built – Sunny.

Not only does she find the robot both creepy and annoying, but she begins to fear the robot wants to harm her. So Susie looks for a way to turn her robot, Sunny, off for good.

Sure to be a thrilling tale and another way to make me fear for my life 🙂


2. How I’ll Kill You by Ren DeStefano
Genre: Mystery/Thriller/Romance
Outlet: Barnes & Noble – BOGO 50% off Table

How Ill Kill You

I am DEAD excited to read this!

Not only is this cover giving ALL the fluffy murder vibes, but this premise was basically made for my evil little heart.

The premise is such: Three identical triplets have a habit of killing off their boyfriends.


But then one of the triplets goes rogue and falls in love with her boyfriend and doesn’t want to kill him!



3. Enchanted Hill by Emily Bain Murphy
Genre: Historical Fiction/Mystery
Outlet: Barnes & Noble – BOGO 50% off Table


A glittering old Hollywood mystery of love and crime in a Gatsby styled wold of glamour.

Set in 1930, our MC Cora is an aspiring PI who is posing as a maid in Hollywood magnate Truman Byrd’s estate. She is on a job for a high-profile client to gain evidence against the man who will be throwing extravagant parties in the coming week.

While there, a man from Cora’s past arrives and is also undercover seeking to unveil secrets among the guests and the eerie mansion. Thus ensues a slow-burn romance.


4. What Mother Won’t Tell Me by Ivar Leon Menger, Jamie Bullock (Translator)
Genre: Mystery/Thriller
Outlet: Barnes & Noble – BOGO 50% off Table

What Mother Wont Tell Me

Please be a cult.

Please be a cult!

Juno has been raised on a small island in Nordland under complete isolation since childhood, apart from Mother, Father and her brother. The family lives in fear of the Strangers hunting their father seeking revenge.

Juno and her family live under strict rules and commandments in order to keep them safe. But when Juno is spotted by a stranger, secrets begin to reveal themselves that will change their lives for ever.



Binding of Bindings · Book Promo

Binding of Bindings : 10 YA Books with Unique Concepts

Wanna get weird?



~* 10 YA Books with Unique Concepts *~



1. Bone Crier’s Moon (Bone Grace, Book 1) by Kathryn Purdie
Genre: YA/Fantasy

Bone Criers Moon

Bone Crier’s Moon is the perfect way to kick off this ‘Unique Concepts‘ post, especially because it’s about a tribe of women who kill their soulmates so they can ferry souls across the gates of Heaven and Hell.

The women are called Leurress and their purpose is to guide the Chained and Unchained to the gates they belong to. In order to become a ferrier, each Leurress has to acquire three Grace Bones from animals they hunt and kill themselves. The “Graces” they receive from the animal – like the speed of a rabbit, the sight of a hawk, the stamina of…something – become abilities they then posses as long as they wear the bones.

Once they acquire all three bones, they must complete the final ritual. Using the sacred Bone Flute that opens the gates on ferrying night, the Leurress must play the flute and lure her soulmate to a bridge…and kill him.

(See my review here)


2. Last Girls by Demetra Brodsky
Genre: YA/Contemporary/Dooms Day Preppers (I told you it was a genre now)

Last girls

I just read Last Girls last week, and it was fantastic. It’s a story of three sisters who live on a compound with other Dooms Day Preppers, where they train in hand to hand combat, hunting, survival skills, making bombs…you name it.

But there’s a story within this story, and it is epic.

The Juniper sisters are the “weird sisters” wherever they go. Honey is the responsible older sister whose job is to keep her sisters in line and together. Birdie is the middle sister who does what she wants, when she wants. She is the brash and fiery sister. Blue, the youngest, has cobalt blue hair and is the calm that holds the girls together. She also has a tendency to say odd little prophetic sentences at all times of the day and night.

(See my review here)


3. All Your Twisted Secrets by Diana Urban
Genre: YA/Contemporary/Mystery/Thriller

All your Twisted Secrets

All Your Twisted Secrets:


Six seniors are locked in a room with a bomb, a syringe and a note instructing them to pick one person to kill. Before time is up, they must choose one person to inject with the lethal liquid, or they all die.

And Oh. My. Shit. is that ending going to blow your mind.

(See my review here)


4. The Hazel Wood series by Melissa Albert
Genre: YA/Fantasy

I personally thought the first book in this series was better, but the concept is still kickass.

It has all the twisted Grimm’s Brothers vibes you could want, and instead of it being a book of bubbly fairy tales and happy endings, it’s very much like a Once Upon a Time version where everything is actually quite fucked up.

The Hazel Wood is an estate where writer Althea Proserpine lives, and where she writes the haunting stories set in an eerie world called The Hinterland. Alice has never read the stories her grandmother wrote, and instead has been outrunning bad luck with her mother for years. But when her mother suddenly disappears, Alice is forced to find her grandmother, becomes it seems that her mother has been taken to a place that wasn’t supposed to be real – The Hinterland.

The world building is so cool, and the fairy tales are jacked up, so naturally I loved it. The Night Country was meh because it turns into more of an Urban Fantasy, but the world building was still amazing.

(See my reviews for The Hazel Wood here and The Night Country here)


5. A Danger to Herself and Others by Alyssa B. Sheinmel
Genre: YA/Contemporary/Mental Health

A Danger to Herself and Others

THIS book.

What a psychological whirlwind this was.

It’s about a girl who is institutionalized for something that happened at school with one of her friends. She claims she didn’t do it and knows that she just has to prove that she is sane so they will let her go home.

But the truth of what happened is so unexpected and so heart-clenching...

…it was immediately one of my new favorite books, and still is.


(See my review here)


6. Red Hood by Elana K. Arnold
Genre: YA/Fantasy/Retelling

Red Hood

Red Hood is a Little Red Riding Hood retelling, but so different and bizarre that you’ll be saying “wtf” while grinning from ear to ear.

This is a straight-up feminist retelling. And when I say feminist, I mean


It dives deep into those womanly hardships of feeling unclean, unimportant, unsafe and unworthy. It is unhinging how gritty and purely raw this story is, and the author doesn’t hold back at all.

In this story, men and boys who wish to hurt women are the wolves. But our main character Bisou, and her grandmother, are bestowed with a special gift that allows them to sense the wolves and kill them. But the real magic about this book, is that the shining star of it is PERIODS.

Yeah. I’m not kidding.

(See my review here)


7. The Door to January by Gillian French
Genre: YA/Fantasy/Paranormal/Mystery

The Door to January

The Door to January is a really interesting YA Paranormal/Mystery combo in that it has elements of spirits, murder, a fantasy door to the past, and very serious trauma.

It is about a girl named Natalie who went through a very traumatic experience in the woods two years prior to the reader meeting her. Now, after her family had moved away, Natalie keeps experiencing dreams of a door in a house she thinks is from back home. So when she ventures back to her hometown, and she and her cousin investigate the old house, spirits start to communicate with her.


This book is bursting with multiple plots and is completely unique.

(See my review here)


8. The Life of Death by Lucy Booth
Genre: Fiction/Fantasy

The Life of Death

Ugh. What a whirlwind this story was!

The Life of Death is just like it sounds, it’s about the life of death – or the “Grim Reaper“.

As a woman is about to be hung for accusations of being a witch, she is visited in her cell by HIM. He offers her a deal, a chance at a life after death as death itself. And so she accepts.

And so for the next 500 years Elizabeth acts as death, guiding souls across the threshold. But in their dying moments, Elizabeth takes on the face and memories of a loved one that the dying most desires to see. She guides them along with love and compassion.

But when Elizabeth comes across a man whose wife she just helped cross over, she is suddenly struck by love and wants out. So HE gives her a task: HE will assign her five lives that she must take, and then she will be free.

And this is where things get fucked up and sad.

(See my review here)


9. The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow
Genre: YA/Historical Fiction/Fantasy

The Ten Thousand Doors of january

What a lovely and fantastical story this is!

The Ten Thousand Doors of January is all about doors to other worlds, bad men trying to destroy the doors and keep the beautiful secrets inside for themselves, and a young woman trying to get to her father. It’s a tale of EPIC romance, and a coming-of-age fantasy period-piece that NEEDS to be a movie NOW!

Probably one of the best stories I have read in my lifetime, for its exquisite writing and amazing plot.

Just go buy it.

(See my review here)


10. Wilder Girls by Rory Power
Genre: YA/Horror/Mystery/LGBT

Wilder Girls

I know a lot of you have seen this one and read it already, but it deserves a spot on this list for it’s astounding yet horrific uniqueness.

Wilder Girls is the feminist Lord of the Flies that you didn’t know you needed. And as I said in my review:

This book will make your skin shift.

Though this is in the Horror category, and is definitely creepy, it isn’t a scary story. It’s creepy in the sense of science fiction in that a school for girls has been infected with a virus they call The Tox. And the Tox effects each girl differently when the flare-ups hit them – from seconds spines and hearts, scales growing on the hands or face to lesions or skin bubbling. The story tracks how the girls live among one another trying to survive, and then figuring out how to escape once the government stops sending them aid.

But the best part of this book is the unflinching unity between these girls who look like monstrous creatures, but have respect towards one another and don’t even bat an eye to one another over physical abnormalities.

Now THAT is an enviable world to live in.

(See my review here)



Stay Witchy





Binding of Bindings · Wrap-Up

Binding of Bindings #42: March 2020 Book Wrap-up

I may be slightly behind in posting my March Book Wrap-up
…but come on. It’s practically the apocalypse around here.



~* March 2020 Book Wrap-Up *~



1. Frozen Beauty by Lex Hillyer
Genre: YA/Contemporary/Mystery

Frozen Beauty

Definitely not my most favorite read of March, but also not the worst.

Frozen Beauty had all the promise in the world to be a dreary and eerie, femi-powered contemporary mystery laced in sorrow and sadness. But instead it was just a bit…

It centers on the Malloy sisters and the strange and sudden death of the eldest, who is found half-naked and frozen to death. The sisters thought they knew everything about one another, but as they begin digging into what really happened… the secrets start to unravel. 

I wanted to love this, especially because of that cover art, but I just didn’t care for it much. I was able to get through it quickly and easily, but the characters just felt so BLAH. The ending was a bit predictable, and there was some weird/awkward insta-love that happened that I don’t even need to get into.

3 Stars

(See my review here)


2. All Your Twisted Secrets by Diana Urban
Genre: YA/Mystery/Thriller

All Your Twisted Secrets



All Your Twisted Secrets is a YA blend of The Breakfast Club and Saw. Six teens are invited to a scholarship dinner in a banquet room, where they are locked inside. On the table are three items: a syringe filled with a liquid, a bomb with a countdown clock, and a note indicating that they must pick a person to killor they all die.

Yeah. I know.

But just when I thought I had this little beauty figured out

Oh yeah. Epic.

4.5 Stars

(See my review here)


3. All the Pretty Things by Emily Arsenault
Genre: YA/Mystery/Thriller

All the Pretty Things


…there’s just not a lot to say here.

All the Pretty Things STARTED as a mystery set at an amusement park where an employee/well-known kid in town dies. It had a little bit of the Adventureland vibes that I was hoping for, but what it turned into was just…

…it’s not good.

If you like reading books where your face is scrunched up the whole time like this:

Then yeah, be my guest. And enjoy that father.

He’s a real gem.

2.5 Stars

(See my review here)


4. Sparrow by Mary Cecilia Jackson
Genre: YA/Sci-Fi/Feminism





Sparrow is a YA twist on Black Swan that will surely cause tears to flow down your precious cheeks. It is about a ballerina who finds herself in an abusive relationship, and and shows the what lays broken on the ground after things go too far.

Books on abusive and manipulative behavior are so important and I am a big advocate for them, especially when they showcase different forms of abuse. But what makes this story truly important, is the fact that it doesn’t just show our main characters POV and how she is affected. It sheds light on the emotional toll it takes on her family, friends and those close to her.

It is beautiful, and though there were some parts that I found unnecessary to the story, it is a book worth reading.

4 Stars

(See my review here)


5. Girls with Sharp Sticks (Book 1) by Suzanne Young
Genre: YA/Sci-Fi/Feminism

Girls with Sharp Sticks

I have been ranting about this AMAZING book for a year!

Every chance I get I am recommending it to my bookstagram girlfriends and begging them to read it! And since the sequel to it released in March, I decided to reread it to get a refresher before starting my ARC! Girls with Sharp Sticks is a YA Feminist tale with a twist that will blow your mind, while simultaneously making your heart rip itself apart because your feelings will be feeling FEELINGS.

It’s about a group of girls who attend Innovations Academy. Here they are bred to be obedient, to listen to the male figures in their life (because they know best) and to stay as beautiful as possible. If the girls misbehave, they are redirected and given therapy immediately, until they have been…realigned.

The story is about the girls waking up from their fog, and realizing that the place they are in does not have their best interests at heart.

5 Stars

(See my review here)


6. Girls with Razor Hearts (Girls with Sharp Sticks, Book 1) by Suzanne Young
Genre: YA/Sci-Fi/Feminism

Girls with Razor Hearts

I had SUCH high hopes for the second book to Girls with Sharp Sticks, and I devoured Girls with Razor Hearts in such a short time. But it wasn’t because it was amazing and held my attention to the point that I couldn’t eat or sleep without knowing what would happen.

No…it was more like I kept reading in the hopes that SOMETHING would happen. But nothing really did. It was just a bit of a blah read next to the first book where the author focused way too much on shoving toxic patriarchy down my throat. This sequel just felt like preaching. It felt forced and didn’t have the same flow and heart behind it’s message as it did before.

The story just lost its way a bit here, and I am hoping that it will come back around in the next book. This seemed more like a “buffer book” or a stepping stone to set up for the next installment, so fingers crossed that it improves!

3.5 Stars

(See my review here)


7. Thorn (Dauntless Path, Book 1) by Intisar Khanani
Genre: YA/Fantasy/Retelling – The Goose Girl



Ah, what a GEM of a retelling!

I know I’m not the only one that has been overjoyed with these countless fairy tale retellings coming out, so when I saw Thorn I knew I had to have it. And after reading Bloodleaf last year and not liking it, I was hoping that this Goose Girl retelling would be better.

And ohhhhhh child, it SO was!

You know the story: A Princess is married off to a Prince in another kingdom, and upon traveling there, her handmaid steals her body and poses as her, which forces the real Princess into a new life as a goose girl.

In this rendition, the same happens and so much more! The story keeps the atmospheric old-timey feel to it and spins in a layer of eeriness that perfectly blends with the poetic nature of the tale. It was a fantastic read and one I was fairly surprised by, because though I was hoping this would be a win, I had my doubts

But here I am, DYING for the next book!

4.5 Stars

(See my review here)


8. House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City, Book 1) by Sarah J. Maas
Genre: New Adult/Fantasy/Romance

House of Earth and Blood

Only 60 pages in and SJM had me, and everyone else, like

And then we get a little farther and it’s a whole lot of

A ton of

And then back to

Beyond. Epic.

5 Stars


9. The Places I’ve Cried in Public by Holly Bourne
Genre: YA/Contemporary

All the Places Ivve Cried in Public

As I said above, a book that focuses on the several other types of abuse and manipulation that go on, are stories that need to be read.

The Places I’ve Cried in Public is in the style of Thirteen Reasons Why where a girl recounts the pivotal moments that lead to the end of her relationship with her boyfriend. They are all moments that she has cried, either from joy, despair, or confusion. But each place, and each moment is a clue into how they broke up and what happened between them.

This story was like a punch in the gut for me, because so many aspects of it were familiar or sparked a memory. For those of us who have experienced relationships like this, and for those who haven’t, the importance and reminder to look for signs of hurtful and manipulative behavior needs to be shown. This book does just that.

Every teenager needs to read this.

3.5 Stars



Stay Witchy ❤

